Thursday, January 31, 2008


ok. so you've heard me talk about it. you've heard other students talk about it. but you're wanting to know what it is.

COLLISION, March 14-16, 2008, is a full weekend of connecting with God and other students. we will have large group worship sessions with hundreds of students from all across new orleans. worship time will be led by Josh Taylor and his band. former mixed martial arts competitor, bouncer, and current pastor, Robby Gallaty will be our guest speaker for the weekend.

students will be split up into groups which will be led by college and seminary students from around the area. these groups will be staying in the homes of generous fbc belle chasse members for the entire weekend. group leaders will take students through a series of Bible studies intended to connect students to God.

a big difference from last year's DNOW is that COLLISION will give students an opportunity to go out into the city and practice being servants and making a difference in their communities.

for fbc belle chasse students, the cost is only $25, and the deadline to register and pay is March 2. this $25 includes event costs and guarantees the student a COLLISION T-shirt. students registering and paying after March 2 will pay $40 and will not be guaranteed a COLLISION T-shirt. i'm sorry if that seems unfair, but this is a city-wide event and we have to use our funds as efficiently as possible.

COLLISION registration forms will be available this week on the church website,, and in the church office; or you can get one from randy.

if you still have questions, call or email randy: 504-394-1707 or

got focus?


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