Tuesday, June 26, 2007

New Blog

Attention! Important information to follow!

Sunday night, we began our first week of Sunday Night Bible Study. The students who attended received a book to aid in the Bible Study process.

Part of this Bible Study involves posting or commenting on a special blog created for FOCUS Bible Studies. Each week each participant will post his/her thoughts, ideas, questions, or whatever on the blog. I hope each of you will take this seriously and step up to the challenge.

Go to focusbiblestudies.blogspot.com to get more information or call randy if you have questions.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

my brilliant idea

so, most radio stations have traffic updates during the morning and afternoon rushes. i was thinking that to make everyone's lives less frustrating, radio stations should have grocery store checkout line traffic updates. it would sure make going to the grocery store to get a gallon of milk a whole lot easier.


Wednesday, June 13, 2007

FOCUS Bible Study Tonight

Just a reminder, tonight Bible Study will begin at 6:00 with pizza and drinks. Bring money for pizza - $1 per slice or $2 for three slices.

see ya!

Monday, June 11, 2007


once again, i'm asking for you to tell me you're out there. i'd love to know if you are visiting the blog, and who you are. so . . . leave me a comment and tell me you've visited. please  :-(....

Sunday, June 10, 2007


Sunday Nights After Church -- SNAC

Next Sunday, June 17, Focus Youth Ministry will begins our SNAC. We will meet at church for worship at 5:30 pm and then go to the Toler's home for Bible study and swimming. Bring your Bible, bring your friends and bring your swimsuit and towel.

Got questions? Give rando a holla!

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