Sunday, April 29, 2007

Summer Mission Trip

In lieu of a Summer Camp trip, FOCUS Youth Ministry will be going on a Summer Mission Trip. You may be wondering, “What’s the difference, Rando?” Well, I’ll tell you.

Summer camp trips generally are more about Bible studies, and games, and hanging out; but our Summer Mission trip will focus more on doing missions work, instead of Bible study. There still will be Bible study and worship services, but students will be more involved in doing ministry projects, like Backyard Bible Clubs, Beach Ministry, Hotel Ministry, and Campground Ministry.

The location for our Summer Mission Trip will Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. The dates for this trip are Sunday, July 1—Saturday, July 7.

We will depart FBC on Sunday morning and travel all the way to the sunny Grand Strand of Myrtle Beach. Our partner for this trip is Intracoastal Outreach, a resort ministry in Myrtle Beach. ICO will coordinate our ministry projects, and provide us the necessary tools and resources for a successful week.

After three days of ministry in Myrtle Beach we will head to steamy Atlanta, Georgia for a day and a half of fun at Six Flags theme park and Whitewater Water park.

Saturday, July 7 will mark our return to Belle Chasse, and the end of our Mission Trip.

Wednesday, May 23 at 6:30 pm will be a Mandatory Parent and Youth meeting to answer questions and discuss details of the trip.

Begin planning now for this amazing opportunity to serve our Savior this summer. What part would God have you play in this ministry?

Call Randy if you have questions (office: 394-1707, cell: 232-5579).

**Once again, the particulars:

Cost: $50 per person

Dates: July 1-7

Place: Myrtle Beach, SC

Monday, April 09, 2007

***NewBoys/Kutless/Stellar Kart*** IMPORTANT***


If you want to go to the Newsboys/Kutless/Stellar Kart concert on WEDNESDAY, APRIL 18th, you must pay by WEDNESDAY, APRIL 11th!!!

I can NOT make exceptions. I only have a limited amount of tickets.

This is the list of who has signed up:

Scott H.
Ryan J.
Vicky B.
Brittany N.
Adam G.
Jordan G.

If you are on this list, bring me money WEDNESDAY, APRIL 11th.

If you are not on this list and you want to go, bring me money WEDNESDAY, APRIL 11th.

do we have an understanding?



i read on another blog yesterday that cartoonist johnny hart passed away. if you don't recognize the name, maybe you'll recognize the name of his strip, "B.C.". for almost 50 years hart faithfully crafted the witty stories about prehistoric cavemen/women, apterixes, and anteaters.

one of my favorite pieces of B.C. art is an Arby's glass with the anteater being "zotted" by his own tongue as it wraps around the glass. i currently have both B.C. and Wizard of Id on my myyahoo homepage, and read them faithfully every day.

you may or may not know this, but johnny hart was an outstanding Christian, and his comic strips reflected his faith. in a time where Christians have a hard time meshing with the culture around them, johnny hart did just that. in the mostly liberal and political world of comic strips, johnny hart found a way to shine the light of Jesus Christ to all his readers.

said one cartoonist/blogger, "I know that in his later years Johnny was very controversial because he expressed his Christian faith unapologetically in his work. Whether I share that faith or not, I found it admirable."

that johnny hart could have this kind of impact on someone who doesn't share his faith should encourage believers all around the world to share their faith with the people around them.

thank you Johnny Hart for how you unapologetically shared your faith in Jesus Christ, and may your example embolden our lives.

goodbye, mr. hart. you will be missed.

thinking funny,

randy copeland

ps - i really want to post an example of johnny hart's B.C., but i'm waiting to hear from the syndicate. if, or when, i get permission, i'll post one.

Saturday, April 07, 2007

one giant leap for rando, one small step towards graduation...

well, i've finished my senior thesis paper. i've still got to read 16 of my classmates papers, evaluate, and discuss them, but the big hump is past. thanks to all who prayed for me as i pumped that sucker out. graduation is in may, pray also that i survive this last month.


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