Thursday, July 19, 2007

sunday schedule for july and august

ok, i know you're all dying to know, so . . .

morning stuff first:
sunday, july 29 will be the first of four sundays in which the sanctuary will be closed for repairs, and we will have two services on sunday mornings at 8:00 and 10:30 am. the goal is that enough people will come to the first service so that we will be able to fit everyone into the fellowship hall for the normal service time.

also on july 29, we (youth) will be sharing our stories and experiences from our mission trip. i need volunteers for both the 8:00 and 10:30 services. we will show the trip dvd at both services.

evening stuff:
this is exciting stuff. the youth ministry has been given permission to hold our sunday Bible study time at 5:30pm on sundays, through labor day. pastor sam has ok'd this experiment for several reasons. but i think this is our/your chance to stand up and show the church how important this is.

currently, very few of you students come to sunday evening worship service. i hope to encourage you to come on sunday nights, and this is a chance to invite your friends and fellow youth group members to come to something that ISNT AT CHURCH. most of you probably dont' attend sunday evenings because your parents don't attend. some of you don't attend just because you don't want to. some of you are inconsistent in your attendance.

sunday night Bible study is a chance for you to get involved in something that could change your life, as well as your friends' lives. if you don't like coming to "sunday night church," fine, but don't think of this Bible study as "church." if you want the chance to do more with your sunday evenings, this is your opportunity to come and let your attendance state loud and proud, "I WAS HERE!"

now, then, july 22, 29, august 5, 12, 19, 26 are six nights we have to make our case. will you come and make your case?


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Saturday, July 14, 2007

Mission Trip Share Service

Maybe you've heard, maybe not. But the time for us to share has been moved. The original plan was for us to share about our experiences tomorrow morning (July 15). But with nearly (maybe more) half of our team out of town or under the weather, we've moved it. maybe next sunday morning, maybe next sunday night. i'll let you know.

in the meantime, keep the jennings, hotards, and willies in your prayers while they are traveling this weekend and next week. also pray for emily walker who has tonsilitus, and me, i've got some crud and sore throat stuff going on.


Friday, July 06, 2007

even more of the story. . .

wednesday was our last day in myrtle beach, and we sadly said our goodbyes to the children we had poured our hearts into. we had some free time at the home (pool) of some members of fbc surfside. dinner was followed by a great time of worship with the ico staff, then we headed back to sleep before leaving myrtle beach.

thursday took us to columbia, sc for breakfast, and then to atlanta, ga for six flags theme park.

friday saw us at six flags white water park, dinner and hang time at an atlanta mall.

tomorrow, saturday, will bring us safely home (with no problems; we trust God for our saftey) to belle chasse between 3 and 4:00 pm.

we look forward to sharing with you our stories from this week. please pray for our travels tomorrow.

God bless,


the story continues...

monday was another early day. we left columbia, sc at 6:00 am and arrived in surfside beach, sc just after 8:30 am. we unloaded then headed to daycamps. considering that nearly all of the students had never done anything like this, our day camps went very well.

each day we did two day camps, and two of our students worked at the surfside sunburn unit giving away free sunscreen and water.

tuesday was free time, so we went to the beach and dinner.

more about our week later. . .

Monday, July 02, 2007

the story thus far...

mission trips are funny things. when you go on a mission trip, you expect God to do great things in your life and in the lives of the people to whom you will minister. you expect God to give you safe travel and to keep you and yours from physical harm.

so far, God has kept up his end of the bargain and for that we are grateful.

sunday 0600 -
we left FBC bright-eyed and bushy tailed (or at least, awake). we stopped to gas up the church van, and, noticing the tires on the pork chop were low, decided that the tires would be fine until we stopped for gas. thirty or so minutes later, we had a full-out flat tire (avoiding a blowout!), and had to stop in slidell to purchase a new tire.

sunday 1000 -
we finally can leave slidell, 3 hours behind schedule, with two fresh tires, full bellies (thanks to mcd's), and a new lease on life (or maybe a bank note)

sunday 1400 -
lunch in montgomery, al. making good time, but still behind schedule

sunday 2200
we finally arrive at 120 greengate drive (home!) for a good, home-cooked meal. we decide to crash in columbia, sc, and drive to myrtle beach monday morning.

monday . . .

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