Monday, December 10, 2007

FOCUS Christmas Party

Ok, people, here's the scoop on the Christmas party.

Pre-Party information: Do you want our Youth Center to look great for Christmas? Well it's YOUR responsibility, so come during the week to decorate it! Friday evening and Saturday morning are great times!

Time: Saturday, December 15; 5-9:00 pm @FBC Belle Chasse

What to bring:
Everybody: a $5-10 gift for the gift exchange.
Guys: Drinks
Girls: Desserts

The scoop: Scavenger hunt. So we'll be going out in parents' vehicles to find stuff and make videos.

Questions? call or email randy at 504-232-5579 or

Now playing: Trans-Siberian Orchestra - Christmas Eve (Sarajevo 12/24)
via FoxyTunes

1 comment:

Slap Happy said...

I dig the Charlie-Mans SHOES....very fashion forward...he should think about gettin on PROJECT RUNAWAY.....

Slap Happy
Intense Fashionista

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