Thursday, July 19, 2007

sunday schedule for july and august

ok, i know you're all dying to know, so . . .

morning stuff first:
sunday, july 29 will be the first of four sundays in which the sanctuary will be closed for repairs, and we will have two services on sunday mornings at 8:00 and 10:30 am. the goal is that enough people will come to the first service so that we will be able to fit everyone into the fellowship hall for the normal service time.

also on july 29, we (youth) will be sharing our stories and experiences from our mission trip. i need volunteers for both the 8:00 and 10:30 services. we will show the trip dvd at both services.

evening stuff:
this is exciting stuff. the youth ministry has been given permission to hold our sunday Bible study time at 5:30pm on sundays, through labor day. pastor sam has ok'd this experiment for several reasons. but i think this is our/your chance to stand up and show the church how important this is.

currently, very few of you students come to sunday evening worship service. i hope to encourage you to come on sunday nights, and this is a chance to invite your friends and fellow youth group members to come to something that ISNT AT CHURCH. most of you probably dont' attend sunday evenings because your parents don't attend. some of you don't attend just because you don't want to. some of you are inconsistent in your attendance.

sunday night Bible study is a chance for you to get involved in something that could change your life, as well as your friends' lives. if you don't like coming to "sunday night church," fine, but don't think of this Bible study as "church." if you want the chance to do more with your sunday evenings, this is your opportunity to come and let your attendance state loud and proud, "I WAS HERE!"

now, then, july 22, 29, august 5, 12, 19, 26 are six nights we have to make our case. will you come and make your case?


Now playing: Air 1 Radio
via FoxyTunes

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