Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Gleanings from Jacksonville

Last Friday morning I arose at 4:00 am to drive with three classmates to Jacksonville, Florida to attend the 21st annual Pastors' Conference. I want to share with you all just a taste of what I gleaned (just like Ruth -- Thank you Dr. Patterson):

1. From Junior Hill
- Praise God in all things, not for all things.
- Our value is not found in who or where we are, but in who we are in the sight of God.
2. Al Mohler
- Preachers are not impressive; our message is impressive.
3. Mac Brunson
- God allows Christians to be attacked so that they will depend on him.
4. Jerry Vines
- God never changes.
- God's Word never changes.
5. Calvin Carr
- We must challenge people.
6. Jerry Falwell
- God wants to take us to a higher level.
7. Fred Luter
- Being a Christian is not all good.
- The righteous suffer afflictions.
- You can do everything right and still face affliction.
- The afflictions will pass.
8. John Sullivan
- The church doesn't exist without the CROSS!
9. Johnny Hunt
- Jesus' crucifixion was completed at Calvary and carries with it ongoing effects.
- When there's dynamite in the church, things will happen.
- The cross is dynamite!
10. Ken Whitten
- God is more interested in your change than your comfort.
- We never change until the pain becomes greater than the fear of change.
11. David Allen
- The essence of Americanism is self-sufficiency; the essence of Christianity is Christ-sufficiency.
- Never mistake the silence of God for the indifference of God.
12. Erwin Lutzer
- It is better to fail in something that will ultimately succeed than to succeed in something that will ultimately fail.

And finally some pictures of Jacksonville and the Pastors' Conference.

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