Monday, February 26, 2007


DNOW is March 16-17.

Cost is $35.

Information packets will be sent out this week.

I am extremely pumped about what God wants to do in the lives of Westbank students. The trick, of course, is that God can only do what he wants in the lives of his people if his people let him.

Please be praying about what God wants to do in your life at DNOW '07. I'm praying for you already.

Please call the church office to talk to me if you have any questions about DiscipleNOW. If you need financial assistance for DNOW please do not hesitate to call me - PLEASE do NOT let money stop you from coming to DNOW.


Weekend Update

Well, our DNOW rally was a success. Daniel Savage did a great job leading worship, and Bryan Scholl challenged us to show our faith through our actions and not to just pray for God's rain, but to prepare for it.

Sunday brought two new believers into the FBC Belle Chasse family; and baseball, and with baseball, a chance to unwind and relax. Thank God for baseball!

DNOW is in just over two weeks (March 16-17), I hope you are getting excited. I know I am.


Wednesday, February 21, 2007


I'm dying here. If you have any relationship with FBC Belle Chasse (even if your 4th cousin thrice removed visited once 2 years ago), and you are viewing, or have viewed, or are going to view this blog, how about showing some love and telling me you visited by leaving me a comment. It'd be nice to know that someone out there is getting something out of this blog.

Of course, I'll keep blogging anyhow... but it's nice to feel some love, you know.


DNOW Rally

That's right. It's time for our second DNOW Rally! Woo Hoo!

Please, people, contain yourselves...

Ok, now that's out of the way, on to the pertinents:

Westbank DNOW Rally
8:00 - 10:00 pm
Ames Blvd. Baptist Church
3323 Ames Blvd.
Marrero, LA 70072

Meet at FBC Belle Chasse at 7:00 pm to ride to Ames. Will be back at FBC no later than 10:30 pm.

All attendees will be eligible to win various door prizes including a Nintendo Wii game system. Woo hoo! Now you are really paying attention, aren't you?

Well, that's all I've got right now. See you guys Friday.


Friday, February 16, 2007

First official day of spring

Today marks the "REAL" first day of spring. My friend Ben might disagree, but I think he'd understand.

The #1 ranked Clemson Tiger Baseball team begins its season today versus George Mason. I know some prefer the crack of a wooden bat, but when the Braves don't give us much to cheer for, I find myself loving the clinking of metal bats up in Tigertown.

I love spring!

Go Tigers!

yet another addition to the blog

Here's something I found the other day: Twitter. Twitter is simple. You want to know what I'm doing? Twitter tells you. I've added a Twitter icon to the focusyouthministry blog, so you all can see what I'm up to. It's just for fun, so don't take it too seriously.

Friday, February 09, 2007

Saturday HangOut Night

Saturday night, FOCUS Youth Ministry will have a "HangOut Night" at FBC Belle Chasse. Come around 7:00 pm and hang out uutil as long as you want, or until Midnight. Randy will provide some food and snacks. Bring lots of friends and come ready to have some fun. Call Randy if you have questions. Go to to get Randy's cell number.


Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Gleanings from Jacksonville

Last Friday morning I arose at 4:00 am to drive with three classmates to Jacksonville, Florida to attend the 21st annual Pastors' Conference. I want to share with you all just a taste of what I gleaned (just like Ruth -- Thank you Dr. Patterson):

1. From Junior Hill
- Praise God in all things, not for all things.
- Our value is not found in who or where we are, but in who we are in the sight of God.
2. Al Mohler
- Preachers are not impressive; our message is impressive.
3. Mac Brunson
- God allows Christians to be attacked so that they will depend on him.
4. Jerry Vines
- God never changes.
- God's Word never changes.
5. Calvin Carr
- We must challenge people.
6. Jerry Falwell
- God wants to take us to a higher level.
7. Fred Luter
- Being a Christian is not all good.
- The righteous suffer afflictions.
- You can do everything right and still face affliction.
- The afflictions will pass.
8. John Sullivan
- The church doesn't exist without the CROSS!
9. Johnny Hunt
- Jesus' crucifixion was completed at Calvary and carries with it ongoing effects.
- When there's dynamite in the church, things will happen.
- The cross is dynamite!
10. Ken Whitten
- God is more interested in your change than your comfort.
- We never change until the pain becomes greater than the fear of change.
11. David Allen
- The essence of Americanism is self-sufficiency; the essence of Christianity is Christ-sufficiency.
- Never mistake the silence of God for the indifference of God.
12. Erwin Lutzer
- It is better to fail in something that will ultimately succeed than to succeed in something that will ultimately fail.

And finally some pictures of Jacksonville and the Pastors' Conference.

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