Thursday, January 31, 2008

hi from robby gallaty

so, i talked with COLLISION speaker robby gallaty today, and he's pumped about COLLISION. robby wants you guys all to know he's excited and is praying for you, as well as how God will use him at COLLISION.

robby, if you're reading this, you're too late - i've already updated the COLLISION post with your photo.


ok. so you've heard me talk about it. you've heard other students talk about it. but you're wanting to know what it is.

COLLISION, March 14-16, 2008, is a full weekend of connecting with God and other students. we will have large group worship sessions with hundreds of students from all across new orleans. worship time will be led by Josh Taylor and his band. former mixed martial arts competitor, bouncer, and current pastor, Robby Gallaty will be our guest speaker for the weekend.

students will be split up into groups which will be led by college and seminary students from around the area. these groups will be staying in the homes of generous fbc belle chasse members for the entire weekend. group leaders will take students through a series of Bible studies intended to connect students to God.

a big difference from last year's DNOW is that COLLISION will give students an opportunity to go out into the city and practice being servants and making a difference in their communities.

for fbc belle chasse students, the cost is only $25, and the deadline to register and pay is March 2. this $25 includes event costs and guarantees the student a COLLISION T-shirt. students registering and paying after March 2 will pay $40 and will not be guaranteed a COLLISION T-shirt. i'm sorry if that seems unfair, but this is a city-wide event and we have to use our funds as efficiently as possible.

COLLISION registration forms will be available this week on the church website,, and in the church office; or you can get one from randy.

if you still have questions, call or email randy: 504-394-1707 or

got focus?


want to know more about collision?

then clear your busy schedule for the Collision Kickoff event on February 15. it's a on a friday night at 7:30 pm, and will be held at fbc kenner. we will meet at fbc belle chasse @ 6:00 pm to travel to kenner. you will need to EAT before you come to the church.

call or email rando if you have questions.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

supersunday; thoughts; thanks

this morning kirby reminded me that i had failed to put anything on the blog about super sunday. so here goes . . .

super sunday is THIS sunday, february 5, 2008 @ fbc belle chasse. super sunday kicks off @ 500 pm in the youth center and fellowship hall. this is a FREE event and fbc will provide hotdogs, nachos, popcorn, and more!

now, following in the spirit of this blog, here's some personal thoughts from rando (*disclaimer* the following words reflect my thoughts and feelings. how you react to them is entirely up to you. the point of this blog is to give information about what's going on in FOCUS and to give a glimpse into my life (info: check!) (glimpse of life: uncheck). *end disclaimer*) are you confused yet?

when i first got kirby's email, my reaction was not one of gratitude or relief. my first thought was not, "gee, i'm sure glad kirby reminded me of that!" my first thought was more like, "why bother? nobody read this blog anyway!?!" now, before you dedicated, everyday readers get your craw up, let me explain the feelings behind that thought.

this blog, as with any blog, is intended to be an interactive thing. blogs are designed to let the blogger share his or her thoughts while also allowing readers to comment on those same thoughts. in my role as the blogger, i can get bogged down in my life and forget to post to the blog. sometimes the reason i neglect my blogging duites is because i don't feel like the blog is being effectively used by the readers (yeah, you). when the blog goes three months between comments, it can really frustrate me.

this is where i was this morning when i got kirby's email. the lack of "blog" feedback sometimes can make me doubt the usefulness of even having this blog. i want you all (students, parents, friends, family, complete strangers who just stumbled upon this blog today -- welcome, btw!) to know what i'm feeling, but even more i want you to know that i care about you. i hope that by sharing my thoughts you will know that you're not alone - there are others (me, helloooo) out there who deal with frustration, anger, hope, loneliness, whatever. i hope that by posting events and happenings at FOCUS, people who can't always make it to church will be able to find out what's going on at fbc belle chasse. i hope that the readers of this FOCUS blog will help make this a blog that people want to visit - a blog that encapsulates the essence of what FOCUS is all about.

i pray that you will forgive me when i stumble, when i forget what this blog is about, when i get frustrated with your silence. will you pray that i remain diligent with my blogging even when you are silent? i pray that through your comments you will help keep me accountable for my part of this blogging relationship. we have an opportunity to show the world what FOCUS is all about, but it takes two (or three, or ten, or any number that is me plus all of you). for those of you who are wondering, FOCUS is for High School and Middle School Students and is about loving God, loving others, and sharing God's love with our world.


p.s. - jennifer, thanks for the comment. you rock!

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Focus at NOBTS

hello to all new and returning NOBTS students, faculty, and staff. focus youth ministry is here to minister to you all in any way we can, but specifically we are here for middle and high school students grades 7-12 as well as their familes. check out the focus calendar, and the schedule of events to find out what's going on for students in belle chasse.

to all who normally read this blog, how 'bout give a holla to all the NOBTS folks who are going to read this...


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