Thursday, November 29, 2007

my life...

for those of you who read this and just want to know what's going on with rando:

the good
three (count them, 3) students placed their trust in Jesus Christ at YEC
YEC was amazing; had no major problems on the trip
i turned in my research paper with not problems.
i still have a little bit of turkey left over.
the mac'n cheese is gone.
clemson is 9-3, we beat carolina, we're bowl bound again (can i get some chick-fil-a love?) go tigers!
i get to preach in three weeks (scary, i know)
packers play the 'boys tonight... go, pack! go!
my broken driver-side window is no longer a problem.

the not-so-good
i'm still behind on some stuff for my classes (nothing i can't handle, but still, i'm behind)
packers haven't won in dallas in a LONG time.
phone is dead. car charger is in my car.

the bad
my car died (the reason my broken driver-side window is no longer a problem).
phone is dead. car charger is in car, which is also dead (i think you see the problem now).

the good (cont.)
i've got people helping me to find a vehicle to replace my dead one
i've got people to drive me (or loan me their car) where i need to go

the funny (or at least ironic)
there are students in my church who cannot legally drive a car alone, but who have a car. i currently do not. ha!

the point
this blog is full of good, not-so-good, bad, and funny things that are going on in my life right now. the bad totals two, count them, two (2), things. good things - 15.

when i first began the blog, i was focused on my car, the bad stuff. but as i wrote, i realized that the good things in life far outweigh the bad, and even the not-so-good.

how often do we focus on what's not going right in our lives and miss out on all the good, wonderful stuff?

as the christmas season swings into high gear, let's remember that God calls us to be joyful, and joy has nothing to do with our circumstances - it has everything to do with our Savior, Jesus Christ.

car-less for HIM,

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

YEC: don't eat chalk; travel

don't eat chalk!
our speaker, ed newton, told us a story about his daughter. she didn't want to eat the dinner her mom had prepared, so in order to satisfy her hunger, this little girl was hiding out in the backyard eating dirt and sidewalk chalk.

ed's challenge to us, and to you: "how many times do we push away from the dinner table God has prepared for us, only to get ourselves all choked up eating dirt and sidewalk chalk?" God has so many blessings and such good things prepared for us, but we so often find ourselves turning our backs on God's provision.

are YOU eating chalk, or are you feasting at God's bountiful feast table?

our final session ends today around 12:00pm. my plan is to be on the road no later than 12:30. depending on the interstate situation, our arrival time in belle chasse will be between 4:30 and 5:30 pm. i'll have our students calling you if we are going to be later than 5:30pm.

Now playing: Todd Fields - Praise Your Name
via FoxyTunes

Monday, November 19, 2007

YEC: people we've met...

this morning, i met margie. margie works at our hotel, specifically she works in the breakfast room keeping juices, utensils, and food-stuffs stocked for hotel guests. kirby had a chance, along with several students, to pray for margie. what follows are the specifics (as best i could get) of margie's prayer request:

please pray for Sabrina Burns (parents are Bruce and Brenda Burns).
Sabrina is in a coma, brain dead, due to renal failure. Sabrina is age 19, and is currently in ICU at Rapides Regional Medical Center.


Sunday, November 18, 2007

YEC: our journy thus far...

so, apparently a gas explosion (?) caused a huge chunk of i-10 to be closed down between baton rouge and lafayette, so we had to detour around it. our 3 hour(ish) trip turned into closer to a 4-5 hour trip. God, however is still God, and got us to alexandria, fed, and checked into our hotel with plenty of time to spare before the first big session started.

when all was said and done tonight, three of our group had professed Jesus Christ their Savior, and i had the privilege of counseling one of them myself.

i know this is just a tidbit of what God has in store for us at YEC 2007: Inseparable.

more to come later.


Romans 8:37-39
37No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. 38For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, 39nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.

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