5/4, bleach, shoutfest, yec, band
i know it's been a while since i posted anything, but you'll get over it...
5/4's were a blast. we had free food, great music, free food, live band, free food, video games, and we ended the season with a blast! at our final fifth quarter, there were over 50 people in attendance.
last year at yec, i challenged you (the students of fbc) to get 50 people to an event. the deal was that i would bleach/dye/whatever my hair if you met the challenge. the plan is to have a live bleaching this wednesday at focus bible study. however, i make no promises, this is my hair, and i want to make sure it's done properly, so it may have to wait a couple more days ( i can hear you all whining right now).
shoutfest is saturday. be at the church at 11:30 am so we can hit the road and get some lunch before the concert. you will need MONEY for lunch as well as MONEY for food at the concert itself.
yec is november 18-20. cost is $50 if you have signed up before november 2 (that's FRIDAY!). after november 2, the cost is $60. i need your money by NOVEMBER 14. let me know if you need financial support. don't let money stop you from going to yec.
youth praise band stuff . . . i'll edit soon . . .
did i leave anything out? hope not. if so, comment on the blog and tell me!