Wednesday, September 19, 2007

ahoy! it be talk like a pirate day! gar!

yar, i know it be getting towards late, and most of ye are at school, but here be your reminder... today be talk like a pirate day! practice using piratey jargon like, arrgh, gar, avast, ahoy, matey, savey, land lubber, shiver me timbers, hoist, plank, and any other words you be comin' up wit. gar!

when your ship pulls in at the church dock tonight, ye c'n pick yer patches some hooks. first come, first served. it be the pirate way, savey?

do we have an accord?

arrrr c

Saturday, September 01, 2007

Labor Day

a reminder: there are NO sunday evening activities scheduled for this sunday, september 2. if you guys, focus, want to put something together, then do it. have a great, relaxing, and fun labor day. see you on sunday morning.


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